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    go away

    go away - Dictionary definition and meaning for word go away

    (verb) move away from a place into another direction
    Synonyms : depart , go
    Example Sentence
    • Go away before I start to cry
    • The train departs at noon
    (verb) go away from a place
    Synonyms : go forth , leave
    Example Sentence
    • At what time does your train leave?
    • She didn't leave until midnight
    • The ship leaves at midnight
    (verb) become invisible or unnoticeable
    Synonyms : disappear , vanish
    Example Sentence
    • The effect vanished when day broke
    (verb) get lost, as without warning or explanation
    Synonyms : disappear , vanish
    Example Sentence
    • He disappeared without a trace

Word used in video below:
text: money and run away just run away damn it
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